
Are you a professional in the healthcare or sports industry? Get registered and create impact!

A software application that aims to connect the professionals in the health and sports industry into a single page allowing them to be part of a global network. This will enable them to create their personalised online profile and presence, enhance their reputation and clientele. They will be identified from end users by simply applying specific filters in order to find the expert that matches exactly to their needs.

Pre-Register Invest Collaborate
About App

#1 App for our health and fitness

This app concerns a web application that a user can benefit from its services using the browser by simply navigating to myfipulse.com through a mobile, tablet or laptop device with access 24/7. This app targets to be launched in the couple next months and by pre-registering you ensure that you will be one of the first professionals to get notified to start exploring the app at beneficial prices.
Let us continue to introduce you to the services provided.


Professionals waitlist


Actively asking

Eligible to get registered

Our Professional's network

App Features for Professionals

Awesome Features


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Statistics and historical Data


Send messages to other professionals of the network or with your clients or chat with them in real time.

Interactive Content

Upload images or add video links to show to your clients your provided services. Share your profile to social media like linkedin, twitter etc.


myFitpulse allows you to promote and advertise yourself in a targeted group, strengthening your prestige, brand name & professional profile and offering the oportunity to significantly strengthen your clientele instead of paying much for social media campains/SEO/banners etc.

Private Events

Get registered, get notified when event scheduled, book a ticket and gain access to the upcoming events of the fitness/health industries network.


User Friendly interface And Very Easy To Use Fitness App

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How It Works

3 Easy Steps

Launch the App

Open your browser, type myfitpulse.com and get started. The launch date is about to be announced.

Setup Your Profile

Get registered as a 'professional' and create your profile by simply adding the information requested.

Enjoy The Features

There are plenty of services provided based on the membership plan you choose.

Grand access

Grand access for the MVP and Pitch Deck

If we already have shared the pin for the mvp or pitch deck press the below buttons to preview them, otherwise contact us with your request.

Business consulting

Consulted, Mentored by

Contact Us

Get In Touch!

Add your personal information, your request and contact us! Always at your disposal!